viernes, febrero 22, 2008

False colors

Fríamente caminé por la sala y busqué derrotarte con mi mirada, tu respondías con silencio mis gestos y mis ataques visuales.

No estaba dispuesto a que me vencieras, no esta vez, no otra vez...

(insertar conversacion emocionalmente agresiva)


When did I loose my touch? when was it, that waterfalls stopped looking beautiful, and bird calls started sounding dull?. When did your eyes stop breaking me, when did your voice stop giving me the chills?. When was it, that I stopped enjoying the cold wind in the forest, and the soothing warmth of your chest?

I hope you're still there, when my arms break down and my eyes dry up; I hope you're still there when you see through clear glass the unforgiving darkness that is my mind.

I'm sorry, for you... forgive me.

1 comentario:

Connie dijo...

Es raro que hayas puesto mi nombre como el titulo de mi link, sniff! Saludos.